Four dramaturges experienced in the field of working with young audiences are associated with the project in order to help mentor the choreographers. The mentors will contribute their expertise in this challenging field to the production processes. The actual form of collaboration will be individually determined in each tandem, but usually includes visiting select rehearsals and engaging in subsequent exchange. Special modes of reception and the expectations of specific age groups can thus be addressed and reflected on.
Mentors also play a central role in workshops during platforms and work sessions. Issues of general interest to all can be worked on together. Central topics of discussion are selecting appropriate material, the age of target audiences, the special requirements of different age groups and dealing with different age groups. Workshops also provide space for exchange on the subjects of communication, mediation, research, participation or interdisciplinary work. Members of the fix mentoring pool until 2022 have been Moos van den Broek, Gabi dan Droste, Nico Grüninger and Amelie Mallmann. From season 22/23 on the mentor concept turns into an expert concept also involving disciplines outside the dance field.